Thursday, March 14, 2019

Naughty Amelia Jane!

Hi! I hope enjoy this post!

Author- Enid Blyton 
Genre- Fiction
Theme- Be grateful l guess? Be happy for what you have.
Target audience- Credits to a commenter from my latest post. I think the target audience  is age 7+

Meet Amelia Jane ( if you do not know her already) : She is Big! She is bad! She is the terror of the toy cupboard! So you know the background,  Amelia Jane is a toy that becomes alive and likes to be a prankster! Amelia Jane is very naughty.

This book is about Amelia Jane snipping off the tail of Pink Rabbit, squirts Tom the soldier and gets up to mischief at the beach. My HIGHLIGHT was when Amelia Jane got soap and tied it or stuck it to her foot ( l forget which-you find out, read the book!) and skated around like she was riding on roller-skates!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars ⛦ . l found it very entertaining because Amelia Jane kept pranking and tricking everyone. So if you read it, l think you will find it very entertaining and maybe even laugh a bit!

The question of the blog is- What would you do if you were stuck with Amelia Jane in the toy cupboard? Write your answer in the comment section down below! My answer is, l would most likely try and ignore the tricks and pranks and punish Amelia Jane when it got out of hand!

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry this is a short book review. Love-bookworm blog 


  1. Do you like the sound of Amelia Jane? I certainly do not like the sound of her!
    Love-bookworm blog

    1. P.S I updated my Profile (ABOUT THE BOOKWORM) Go check it out!
      Love-bookworm blog

  2. Oooh naughty Amelia Jane! Glad to hear her antics gave you a bit of a giggle. It's good to laugh. Have you ever played any pranks? I think me and Sifun used to try to prank my dad (goong goong) but I can't remember what we did.

    1. Hi! Playing Pranks are fun but make sure they are not dangerous! l always play pranks on my dad!
      Love-bookworm blog

  3. Most Amelia's I know are well behaved. So I feel like the author should have given
    this character a different name! It's fun to imagine yourself getting up to some antics with Amelia Jane because you wouldn't dare to do some of these things in real life- that would mean real trouble!!! I like Enid Blyton. Have you read any other books written by her?

    1. I have read the Malory tower series by Enid Blyton. It was a really good book series and maybe l will review that series in the future!
      Love-bookworm blog
