Monday, November 4, 2019

Book Talk- October 2019

Hi! This is October's Book talk for 2019! I hope you enjoy!

I have reviewed this book, The Heaven Shop by Devorah Ellis.

A quick recap...
The Heaven Shop- Binti's Father dies and all the aunts and uncles come, and take Binti and her siblings. Binti and Junie escaped and got split up. Binti went to Go Go and tried to find Junie, it took her a while but she found her in the end. Binti also found Kwasi but Go Go died.

The book I liked the most is... well I can't do that can I! I only posted one book review. Oopsss.....

Here is some more information on these book. Here are the dates and links I posted them.
The Heaven Shop- HERE 4th of October.

I hope you enjoyed! Love-bookworm blog