Monday, January 20, 2020

The Peacock Detectives

Hi! I hope you enjoy this book review on The Peacock Detectives!

You may recognise this book from my What Books I Got For Christmas post- HERE

Author- Carly Nugent
Genre- Fiction, Mystery
Theme- Stay strong, I will tell you why later in the post
Target audience- 10+ l will explain why later in the post

I chose stay strong for the theme because during the book Cassie (the main character), went through hard times. For example, her Grandpa dying who
 seemed like the only person who understood her. People were also keeping secrets from Cassie and her best friend went missing (Jonas) who, the day before, was acting really strange and unlike himself.

I chose 10+ for the target audience because the words were somewhat complex and some of the ideas were complicated and hard to remember.

This book is about Cassie or Cassie Jane as her Grandpa (later dead) called her. Cassie loved to observe things especially things to do with peacocks because she loved them. Which, is obviously how Carly Nugent got the name for this book! Then, things started to go wrong with her Mum and Dad's relationship, her mum moved out and got a new job where her "lover" Roger worked. It confused me because even though Cassie's mum was married she got a boyfriend (I guess). Then, troubled Jonas's gone somewhere... I don't want to spoil it!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars ⛦ because I really enjoyed this book and it seemed like it would go for ages. There were lots of plot twists and you would never expect them!

The question of the blog is do you like peacocks? I don't really like peacocks but I like the way the male peacocks look (sorry female peacocks) but the males have more colours and look more interesting.

Hope you enjoyed this book review on The Peacock Detectives. Love-bookworm blog

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I forgot to mention that I had my I celebrated my first year of blogging! Love- Bookworm blog
