Hi! You seemed to like the last Name a Book and thought of fabulous answers. If you want to check it out look at July 2019 and look for Name a Book. Play along on this Harry Potter EDITION. We will start off with an easy one.
1 Q. Who said 'Yer a wizard, Harry'.
A. Hagrid said this iconic quote
2 Q. Who has a owl named Hedwig.
A. Harry Potter
3 Q. Who said ' l'm not an owl!'.
A. Hermione Granger
4 Q. Voldemorts real name.
A. Tom Marvelo Riddle
5 Q. Who is in the silver trio.
A. Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottem
6 Q. Which houses are Padma and Pavarti Patil in.
A. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor
I hope you enjoyed this Harry Potter EDITION of Name a book! If you played along tell me your answers in the comment section down below. Love-bookworm blog 😙
Hi! There's going to be a part 2 on Harry Potter Name a Book and a Mary Poppins EDITION too! Love- Bookworm blog