Saturday, July 24, 2021

Tell me

Hi! I hope you enjoy this book review on Tell me!

Author- Joan Bauer
Genre- Fiction
Theme- Never give up l will explain why later in the post
Target audience- 10+ l will explain why later in the post

I will now explain why l chose never give up for the theme. I chose never give up because Anna never gave up on saving the little girl (Kim Su) and her mother (Mai) because she knew something was wrong. Anna and Winnie (a librariain) saw a man being abusive and harming Kim Su and Mai. Anna kept trying and trying to save Kim Su and Mai from the man.

I chose the target audience as 10+ because it is hard to understand what Kim Su and Mai are going through. At a younger age, most children think the world is perfect, where everything is going great and everyone loves each other but the world is not like that and I don't think most children get/understand that.

This book is about Anna. Her parents were fighting and Anna's Mum decided to take her to Mim (Anna's grandmother). Whilst Anna is at Rosemont (Mim's home) she meets Taylor and Zoe. Anna and Zoe became good friends and side kicks during the main problem of this book. Then, Anna meets Caitlin Crudup; the Crudup family is one of the richest families in the town. To make matters worse (or better!) it is the flower festivel and everyone is too busy trying to get their things for the festival ready. No one is paying attention to the surroundings around them...

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. I don't exactly have a reason other than it wasn't amazing. Generally it was ok- it had all the basic things that were well developed, everything existed for a reason. It just wasn't spectacular. There were a few things like I would have liked more description and information on how the whole ordeal was resolved.

The question of blog is, have you ever lived somewhere (other than your own home) for a long period of time? I have not but I don't think I would enjoy it especially as I can get quite homesick. I find it hard to fall asleep in a new setting and this would be quite bad for my sleep schedule.

I hope you enjoyed this book review on Tell me by Joan Bauer! Love-bookworm blog 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Bookify! #2

Hi! I hope you enjoy this Bookify! post.

Bookify! is a series where I am going to choose a prompt and we have to make a plot, write a book or text around the theme. I have made this series to motivate people to write or to think of ideas.

If you want ideas for reading- Reading Prompts

Today's theme is- Water

I chose the prompt water because water is such a diverse subject. It can be the main topic of fiction or non-fiction. Water is a really strange and fascinating  medium that would be really fun to write about.

There many things you could write about that involve water. Ideas include (but are certainly not limited to): ocean plastic, climate change (e.g polar ice caps), any sort of marine biology (the above could all be used to spread awareness!), a trapped under water narrative, a thrilling report on the Olympics and many more!

I hope this series helps if you're experiencing writer's block or need some interesting inspiration! Love-bookworm blog 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Would You Rather? #1

Hi! This is another new series called Would You Rather!

This series is going to be based on scenarios where you have to choose which one you would rather. I know some people do this already on their blogs but I have decided to do it too!

Today's Would You Rather is...

Would you rather only read Fiction or Non-Fiction for the rest of your life?

I would rather Fiction because you can learn and get entertained. Fiction also makes you think more because Non-Fiction tells you everything. I don't generally read non-fiction anyway. 

What would you choose? Love-bookworm blog